Fireweed Collective

Why did you change your name?

We decolonized our leadership. We shifted our focus to center marginalized communities impacted by the oppressive nature of the health system.

Are you offering new workshops?

COVID-19  has pushed us to move all of our programming online for 2020. If you would like to host a COVID-19 support group please contact, Agustina Vidal at agustina (at) fireweedcollective (dot) org.


The Staff of Fireweed Collective consist of individuals whose work is informed by experiences of mental health-based issues and oppression. This wonderful group of healers, cultural workers, community organizers, and rabble rousers brings energy and wisdom to our strategic and programmatic direction.

Emotional Safety Planning

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Fired Up and Burnt Out: Keeping it together in uncertain times

Excerpt of answer curabitur non accumsan urna, et scelerisque orci. Morbi aliquam, neque vitae bibendum suscipit, orci tortor lacinia justo, vitae tincidunt massa sem in diam. Excerpt of answer curabitur non accumsan urna, et scelerisque orci. Morbi aliquam, neque vitae bibendum suscipit, orci tortor lacinia justo.

Emotional Resistance in Action

How can we show up for ourselves & each other while showing up for movements? Street Therapy & emotional first aid is caregiving for ourselves & others in public spaces, especially within political actions. In this workshop participants will explore practical ways to stay grounded & impactful while rising up against increased fascism & militarized … Continued

Request a Workshop

Fireweed works with schools, organizations, and other groups on a sliding-scale basis. We set our rates in relation to your group’s budget and access to resources. We do our best to accommodate all requests, though at this time the workshops we can offer for under $300 is very limited. Loading…